Suggested learning Pathways

Library Media Specialist

The role of school library media specialists has evolved over the years, especially as a result of the pandemic.  They are expected to become more fluent in digital tools, as they collaborate with classroom teachers and often turnkey technology in their schools.  The two NYSCATE courses offered will introduce school library media specialists to the following tools: Flipgrid, Canva, Wakelet, Padlet, Buncee, and Book Creator.  Not only will they learn how to create with them, but also how they can specifically apply them in the library setting to connect with the learning community and to empower students.  Once these skills have been mastered, school library media specialists can modify their final projects to best suit the needs of their students and teachers.

Digital Librarian-1

The Digital Librarian-1

Connecting with Your Community

The focus of this online course it to assist you in creating ways to connect with your learning community.  You will learn how to create a virtual help desk for asynchronous discussion with Flipgrid, dynamic social media posts with Canva, and a multimedia newsletter with Wakelet.  A brief overview of the basics of each tool will help you begin on your journey of engaging with your students, parents, faculty, and administration.

15 Hours CTLE Credit

Digital Librarian -2

The Digital Librarian-2

Empowering Your Students

The focus of this online course it to assist you in creating ways to empower your students to take ownership of their learning.  You will learn how to create a virtual book club with Padlet, a self-directed interactive student choice board with Buncee, and a multimedia library handbook with Book Creator.  A brief overview of the basics of each tool will help you begin on your journey of empowering your students to be independent learners.

15 Hours CTLE Credit

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