Welcome to the Creating Effective Supports and Scaffolds for ELL/MLL Learners.
In this course we will provide educators with the understanding on how to make content comprehensible for ELLs/MLLs through webinettes and scaffoling. This course is worth 5 CTLE Hours
Course Purpose
Objective 1: Participants will understand how to use home language supports in multiple ways, with students and/or with parents helping their children.
Objective 2: Participants will learn about resources available to content area teachers through NYSED.
Objective 3: Review the essential elements for creating mini-webinettes in content areas for ELLs.
Objective 4: Deepen understanding of scaffolds and supports shared in previous sessions, and explore effective means of implementation.
List of Modules
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: The Why
Module 3: Webinettes to support he targeted use of home language
Module 4: Ell/MLL Scaffolds
Module 5: Final Course Assignment
Resources for Continued Learning
Final Module: Get Your Digital Badge and Certificate